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hey, its a cat and a laptop...

please create an account. then login. then discuss some things. pretty soon everybody will care.

this was last year...

author : g77iij    2018-10-04 22:11:40


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yeah whatever, some lame code...

author :    2013-10-22 00:32:55

var inOut = 1;

jQuery("#accordion > li > div").mouseover(function(){

    if(jQuery(this).next().is(':visible') == false) {        
           //alert('1: this may work, yet...'  + jQuery(this).attr("io"));
            jQuery(this).next().slideToggle({duration : '50', easing: 'easeOutBounce' });
     inOut = jQuery(this).attr("io");

jQuery("#accordion > li > div").mouseout(function(){
   //alert('this may work, yet...');
    inOut = jQuery(this).attr("io");
    if( inOut %2 && jQuery(this).next().is(':visible') == true ) {        
            //alert('2: this may work, yet...'  + jQuery(this).attr("io"));

 //jQuery('#accordion ul:eq(0)').show();

jQuery("#accordion > li > div > a").bind('mouseover', function(){
   return false;

jQuery("#accordion > li > div > a").bind('mouseout', function(){
   return false;


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Public Relations and Tyranny

author : jomoojo    2012-09-20 01:13:03

I must admit this New Statesman is a very good read. Here's an article about the likes of Hill and Knowlton doing damage control for the most heinous autocrats currently in power. Its very refreshing to find investigative journalism of this caliber. Keep up the good work.   [more...]

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But I Thought Greed is Good?

author : jomoojo    2012-09-20 01:13:03

I heard that the palace can only imagine one reason anyone would publish topless Kate's photos. Greed. Thats right, try not to spit up your coffee in hysterical laughter. This is the group that has the trees sold back to their estates in order to pocket the "sale", tax free. You heard me: Prince Charles sold the very trees (his "personal" property) planted on his Duchy of Cornwall estate, wait for it, back to the very same estate. Blushing is beyond this reptilian creature. Here, go read about it and then think about greed. I feel like taking some topless pictures of myself now.   [more...]

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Rob Ford Has to Go

author : jomoojo    2012-09-20 01:13:03

What a great article. The double standards. The hubris. The waistline. Please people, permit yourself the dignity of removing the embarrassment which is Rob Ford. You can correct this mistake and perhaps the collateral damage suffered from his tenure will be minimal. We hope.   [more...]

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Krauthammer likes Ron Paul

author : g77iij    2012-09-20 01:13:03

Very few political analysts are being objective about Ron Paul's political appeal. Charles Krauthammer wrote an interesting opinion which got minimal reprint. So im discussing it. Here. Right now. Of course its an achievement.   [more...]

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Hollande Gets Criticized

author : g77iij    2012-09-20 01:13:03

The new president of France is apparently generating an unfavorable popularity rating. I found the website where this is being circulated notable for its many additional links and topics. Therefore i highly recommend you take a look because the author seems well read and an accomplished writer. Furthermore, it seems the automated spellchecker is unhappy with how im spelling unfavorable. We'll see.   [more...]

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national post says its ok...

author : g77iij    2012-09-20 01:13:03

Here's a painful article. The opinion states plainly that its ok for an iranian nuclear scientist to be murdered. Newspaper in canada prints a brazed justification for killing a man in public. No hint of a trial, or recognition of any trace of ethics.   [more...]

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But Science is Good

author : jomoojo    2012-09-20 01:13:03

Maybe its a little off topic, but i read about a great new technology for recycling plastic. It produces a form of heating oil, and maybe this could be further refined to diesel. Anyway, from what i can recall, somebody in a western province made the investment, and i have to admit, one has to wonder what happens in the machine to have it convert the plastic. Go check it out and maybe we can all chip in for one at the local 7-11.   [more...]

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economic forecast on zmag

author : g77iij    2012-09-20 01:13:03

Please read this very interesting perspective on how money and markets might develop in the coming year. Notice how i avoided using the word economy. Another deliberate omission are the prognostication words, such as predict, etc. Oh, almost forgot, here's the link.   [more...]

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Selective Bigotry

author : jomoojo    2012-09-20 01:13:03

Some of these controversies probably do not merit being called controversial. Moreover i found some of the comments posted very perceptive and discerning. Some of them were downright reasonable. Now exactly which ones im referring to i'll leave as an exercise, but i hope they continue to be published on the web.   [more...]

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CAD Software and CNC Data

author : jomoojo    2012-09-20 01:13:03

Here's something cool. We love CAD software because of the uncouth boors known for writing it. If you're a cad, then don't let me stop you from being one. But in case you wish to manufacture a piece of componentry, it's time to learn CNC manufacturing. Oh yeah!   [more...]

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