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sophisticated security

from the experts in keeping things secure. All things, not just any things. Especially important things. Like things you want to keep an eye on. With video cameras. And notifications to your smartPhone when there's motion, at 3 in the morning. btw, our friend here wanted to keep the red background. We didnt see any reason to argue.

Power Grid Infiltrated

author : kingCrimson    2012-10-18 00:21:49

This is a good article about the vulnerability of utility companies to computer attacks. Some people would suggest that the new "smart meters" offer a new vector of attack. Terrorism "experts" talk about the wider implications to urban infrastructure. Also the impact on people purchasing milkshakes at Dairy Queen is discussed in earnest. Go easy there.   [more...]

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Rebels Blow Up Hospital

author : jomoojo    2012-09-24 19:38:50

In Syria its ok to blow up a hospital, if you're an insurgent with the Free Syrian Army (FSA). Here's some video from the Telegraph alleging to show rebels excited about destroying the hospital. Apparently the hospital was working for Assad, so it had to be destroyed.   [more...]

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Protests in Bahrain

author : jomoojo    2012-09-20 01:13:03

Probably not east to read this in any "mainstream" publication. But people are not happy in Bahrain. CNN wont tell you about it. Here's a brief article from somebody reporting from Eritrea.   [more...]

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Sued for Drawing a Picture

author : jomoojo    2012-09-20 01:13:03

Here's a new low for the copyright zealots. If you decide to base your drawing on a photograph, be careful how you implement it. Go read about at EFF and make sure you strip out all the metadata before you "Save As" a bunch of times. The artists will prevail regardless of litigation.   [more...]

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bubbles incident gets a song

author : g77iij    2012-09-20 01:13:03

The incident with the cop getting pissed off about soap bubbles has been written into a song. The G20 summit in Toronto cost one billion dollars for providing security. Now there's a band singing about the putrid arrogance of law enforcement failure Joseph Bubbles. It sounds great. Give it a listen.   [more...]

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Why so much Controversy (over Gaza)?

author : lenny    2012-10-17 23:17:12

Storify is a great platform. And it supports free speech. But not all of the contributors necessarily endorse the speeches delivered elsewhere. Here's one such example. It seems the Free Gaza Movement had the temerity to listen to a speech by Eustace Mullins. Well thats akin to anathema. History is can be so controversial.   [more...]

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Heartless and Cruel

author : jomoojo    2012-09-24 19:20:28

A sad story. The roadside memorial maintained by Mr. Romanik's parents is continuously disturbed and stripped of objects. Finally a private investigator films someone systematically stealing the memorial's symbols and decorations. Go read the story and be sure to look at the comments people are making. The lack of empathy is dramatic.   [more...]

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Nuclear Scientist Killed

author : g77iij    2012-09-20 01:13:03

Very unpleasant. And extremely unsavoury stuff. Of course, now would be a good time to call it nefarious. Another Iranian scientist is blown up with a magnetic bomb. Obviously sponsored by some foreign state intelligence agency. Bad karma.   [more...]

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Rebels Seem Unfriendly

author : jomoojo    2012-09-24 20:03:28

Turns out the "rebels" have an agenda. They're not happy with Israel. It seems after the conflict in Syria, the next most important thing is to go challenge Israel. Read about it in Haaretz a newspaper published in, wait for it: Israel. Its actually a balanced and sane editorial tone.   [more...]

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